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Getting Started

What does it take to motivate you?

For me, I am usually inspired by seeing the work of my friends.

Seeing them achieve their own goals gets me pumped up.

For instance, one of my very best friends is an amazing interior designer. She's recently taken the leap into expanding her business and is having tremendous succes. She and I have talked at length about strategy and tactics on how to grow comfortably without fear. One of the ways in which she's done it is setting up a website.

I realized that I needed to do the same. I started some chatter by creating a "page" on Facebook. I figured that it's as good a place as any to get my name out there. I've consistently tried to build my "brand" and over the years, I've been fortunate enough to reconnect with as well as make many new "friends" through social media like FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. While I will continute to use those tools, there is no better time than now to create a website where I can highlight my skills and accomplishments specifically geared toward my new consulting business.

So I'm giving it a go!

All by myself.

It might not be perfect but it's all about giving it your best effort and trying.

And that, my friends, is how I'm GETTING STARTED.

Now, get out there and do whatever it takes to motivate you.

And remember, if you need my help, DMA Consulting is right here.


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